There are a few formats of audio file. For example, mp3, real audio or MIDI.Mp3 has smaller size but retain the quality of the music while real audio has smaller size than mp3 but unfortunately decrease the quality of the music.Besides, MIDI file audio is only concern about the music itself rather than the singer like the instrumental music. So, the size is quite small and need less time to be downloaded.
Sunday, August 30, 2009 | | 0 Comments
It is important for any developer to identify the audience before designing a web page. This is because the combination of colors, graphics and fonts used depend much on the suitability of the audience. The range of age of the audience is one of the key factors determining the design.

Color scheme: The color scheme for this page is very relaxing and uses pastels colours. The developer doesn't need to use bright and vibrant color scheme since adult doesn't need the attraction. In fact, the color complements the mood. The colours actually help adults to be at ease and relax themselves. Bright colors can only distract them from accessing the site.

Font & typeface: The font chosen is big enough to let the children read clearly.And the font type is also simple, to prevent them from having difficulties in spelling the alphabets.
Navigation : We can see that the navigation buttons are relatively big and easy to access. The arrows used are also big enough to let them know where to click. So, by providing large navigational buttons, the children can access the contents easily. Moreover, the developer uses more pictures to guide children with reading problems.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | | 0 Comments
The main purpose of ID models is to serve as tools for analyzing, designing, creating and evaluation guided learning.Evidently, there are numerous types of ID models that we can apply in developing our websites. These ID models are created because the need to test and evaluate learner behaviours are emerging. Also, many researchers believe that it is important to know how well the learners can perform in a particular educational activity.There are a few types of ID Models, which are:
- Dick,Carey and Carey Model(2001)
- Morrison, Ross and Kemp Model(2001)
- Nieveen Model (1997)
- Instructional Project Management Model(1994)
- Spiral Model(Boehm, 1998)
- Rapid Prototyping Model(Dorsey, Goodrum,Schwen 1997)
All these ID Models can be utilised in order to test and evaluate learners behaviours and understanding. Other than that, a web-developer can also utilise ID models such as ADDIE and ASSURE.
ADDIE model is rather simple and straightforward. It is actually an acronym that stands for:
A = Analysis
D = Design
D = Development
I = Implementation
E = Evaluation
ASSURE on the other hand offers more detailed steps:
A = Analyze learners
S = State objectives
S = Select media and learners
U = Utilize media and learners and
E = Evaluate and revise.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 | | 0 Comments
In gist, behaviourism learning theory can be traced back since Aristotle. It is based on observable changes in behaviour . It also focuses on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it became automatic. Moreover, it is based on stimulus-response pattern. This theory had made popular by names like Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, as well as Skinner. The best example to implement this learning theory is in computer class. In this class, the learners will obtain understanding through repetition of action as well as observation.
Next, is cognitivism. This learning theory is made popular by Piaget. Furthermore, this theory deals on the thought process behind the behaviour. Furthermore, In addition, changes in behaviour are observed because these changes usually reflect the activities inside ones' head, so to speak. This theory usually deals with how people perceive and remember information, solve problems and ultimately learn. A key concept of cognitivism is that learning constructs mental maps in the brain and learning process is the means by which these mental structures are understood. For example, in learning Physics, a student must understand the concept and internalize the concept in his/her mind. Then, he/she must build a mental map of that concept so that it makes sense. This, in a way, will strengthen their understanding of a concept.
The final theory that I will discuss is constructivism. It views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience. It based on the principles that a learner constructs his/her perspective of the world, experiences as well as schema. In addition, it prepares learner to solve problem in complex situation. In layman term, it simply means learning by integrating one's acquired knowledge with one's experiences so that the learning will be much more meaningful. In constructivism, a learner is given freedom to explore within the given framework. This theory promotes learner to internalize concepts, rules, and general principles. Then these concepts, consequently, be applied in a practical real-world context.

Monday, August 10, 2009 | | 0 Comments
The Evaluation Methods
look at the quality of findings,make an assessment and
draw conclusion.
2.Let people test-look and listen to a person using
software directly,analyze their behavior and talking,
find out what the user has learned.
3.Use the result of others - make a meta-study,collect
the first impression of persons,check newspapers,books
and databases for reviews,look at the awards and
elections for the best product of the year.
4.Have a look at the use in real life- look at the
economical value,where,when and why the product is used
Web Evaluation Process:
a)Formative Evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program or product while it is still running or performing.It focuses more on the process.
b)Summative Evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a
program or product at the end of the activities.The focus on this evaluation is the outcome.
c)Usability Testing is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to be used.It is a necessary condition for survival.Usability is defined by five quality components which are learnability,efficiency,memorability, errors and satisfaction.
d)Validity Testing checks on the validness f each item.It will look at the content validity whether the item really measures what the research proposed to determine.
e)Reliability Testing refers to the extent in which results of the form are consistent overtime and an accurate representation of the total population is obtained.If a result of a study can be reproduced under a similar methodology, then the method instrument is considered t be reliable.
Free Si

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 | | 0 Comments
In setting up a fully functional web-site, a web developer must consider these three constructs: usability, visualization and functionality.
Usability refers to the elegance (style, smartness) and clarity (simplicity, clearness) with which the interaction with a web site is designed. Honestly, as a user i really like and comfortable with a website that very simple, well organized and has its own style. The style maybe can be the trademark for each website.The usability also considered pull-down menu, page turning navigation and index. Make sure all the navigation buttons do not make the users become more confused.The other thing that the developer must consider is scaffolding. Scaffolding is just like guider such as map, guide tour, table, search engine, land mark.Most importantly, the web site must be user friendly in order to make the user able to explore and navigate the web site easily.
In the web site, visualization is the interface itself which is full of graphic, text and other media. Visualization do not bring any meaning if we do not describe what the visual is all about. Thus, as the developer, we must design a meaningful visual for our website.The visualization must definitely appeal to the users aesthetic as well as visual sensory. This is because, with an appropriate visualization, the contents as well as the items of a web-site will be easily understood.
This refers to the function of the interface of the website.The web developer must ensure that the interface go alongside with the objectives and motives of the webpage.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | | 0 Comments
A manager is a person who is seen to have the power, plans and leadership qualities in making sure that the management of a company,organization or institution runs smoothly in longer term.But can anyone hold the post as a manager?Yes perhaps with proper training, exposure and sufficient experience,a good manager could be born.But a manager also has to know his or her responsibility which includes three major elements:
A project manager must maintain the appropriate balance between these three elements.
A manager also has some options to make when it comes to the Management Models.They can choose The Traditional Organizational Hierarchy Model,Project Co-ordination Model or the Delicate Tension Model.
The Traditional Organizational Hierarchy Model.
- In this model, the manager has the full authority
- Decisions are taken at the top by the manager and then pass downwards to the other staffs.
- This may not make everyone happy as it denies the fact that expertise in specific areas lies near the bottom of the hierarchy.
The Project Co-ordination Model
- The manager will be at the centre of the hub,coordinating activities.
- The manager can easily loose control of the management process as desicions are made with no reference to the manager.
The Delicate Tension Model
- this is a more satisfactory model
- the manager is in possession of power and authority
- but the formal/infomal reporting and communication oo the other parties, without reference to the manager, as acceptable.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | | 0 Comments
How Fast Is Fast?

He concluded that there is no industry standard response times for Web sites.How fast is fast enough depends on many other factors which include who the customers are, what their needs are,where they are located,the connection speed used and etc.Mr Barber said that the performance expectation is influenced by user psychology, system consideration as well as usage consideration.
- user expectations - usually users will have higher expectations over a new sytem used, regardless of whether the previous system was a Web-based application,client/server or other configuration.
- resource limitations- includes time, money,people, hardware, networks and software
- stakeholders expectations - wants the best possible system for the least possible money.Their expectation are likely to change when decisions have to be made about tradeoffs.

As the user of the internet myself, I have to agree with what Mr Barber has discussed in his article.I believe its hard to have industry standard time for any Web sites as there are so many factors to be looked upon and limitations to be considered.It is hard to determine how fast is fast should be for a Web site as different individuals have different perspectives and different level of tolerence when dealing with this matter.
Monday, July 13, 2009 | | 0 Comments